Follow ze mustahd way.

For people who are interested in Arts & Culture with a short attention span that is longer than most short attention spans.

May 22, 2010

How many coffins before there's a crown?

I have been neglecting the blog and I feel so bad. School has been killing Fatty Feliux and I, and it will continue to do so until the end of June when exams are over...sigh. But we'll try to blog as much as possible 'til then. Sorry for being slow, loves. x

Anyways, back to the blog post.

Robert Carter is a British-born award-winning Canadian illustrator. His work ranges from realistic to surreal, but all of it is full of great skill and concept. Check out more of his illustrations on his website
Ignite, Ignite II
Sgt. Shakespeare, What a Waste
Halo, Fraud

The other thing I wanted to share was the new Lights video for Second Go which premiered yesterday. It's so cute, and I love how she just paints everywhere...put simply, this video is a visual pleasure. Very fun to watch. Enjoy!