Follow ze mustahd way.

For people who are interested in Arts & Culture with a short attention span that is longer than most short attention spans.

Sep 19, 2010

King of Anything

 ...But you expect me to jump up on board with you.
And ride off into your delusional sunset.

Sara Barielles, you minx. The above song is quite catchy, and is already making its way up the charts. Her newest album, Kaleidoscope Heart is number one. Her newest music video, 'King of Anything' is lovely and artistic. I especially love the 'forks-instead-of-piano-keys' look. For someone who was dead off the mainstream music scene for a little, its safe to say that she is definitely back. One of her most popular songs was 'Love Song':

Sound familiar? It was featured in many movie soundtracks... I can see why, questioning and really catchy. Its a rare find, someone who can write music, and perform it. Sara Barielles does both well, especially the writing lyrics part.

Hope your weekend went well,

Any good song recommendations? I really need to update my iPod.


  1. i love the polaroid effect in the king video. she is adorbs.


  2. I am liking your taste in music :) xx Nic
