Follow ze mustahd way.

For people who are interested in Arts & Culture with a short attention span that is longer than most short attention spans.

Mar 25, 2010

Ahh, Mr. Treacy

Philip Treacy and Norman Parkinson
Phillip Treacy is notoriously known for his wacky designs and out-of-this world ideas. As Nedda Ebo would say,
Phillip Treacy = Mad Hatter.
Check out the Spring/Summer 2010 Collection on his website
Love this. Could YOU rock it?
Glove Hat
Silk, Organza, & Ostrich Orchid Hat
Cruella DeVil anybody?
Hat Commissioned by Lyons Tea
The man himself, with a model wearing the coolest headpiece. ever.
Pork Pie Hat On Thornproof Tweed Hat
We can't forget the oh-so-voluptuous men! (Look at those lips, yummaah)
He even had LADYfreakingGAGA wear a piece specially made by him for her at the GRAMMYS! And this is just one of many.
Philip Treacy for Valentino

Once again, don't forget to check out his 2010 collections on his website!

1 comment:

  1. that first picture is awesome

