Follow ze mustahd way.

For people who are interested in Arts & Culture with a short attention span that is longer than most short attention spans.

Mar 20, 2010

YvES saint laurent

Spring has arrrrrrrrrived.. and so has the Fashion. Well, it's always been there but now its back to light cottons and cardigans (instead of ze fur and heavy wool). Yves Saint Laurent always manages to keep his spring line looking sleek and sophisticated--with barely any colour. His spring collection this year consists of organic and pastel colours, with a lot of black and white (more ivory I guess).
This first piece is something I can imagine being worn on a sunny day out in Parié (totally just felt like putting the ¨é" in). The overlapping down at the bottom gives it more of an edge than just a plain-straight-down-skirt. Yahknowwhattimean?
I absolutely LOVE the little petticoat at the top. The colour adds zest to the outfit, which consists of highrise shorts and a brown leather belt to accentuate the waist.

See what I mean when I say pastel-coloured? Plus the high-wasting and belt-accentuating! LOVES IT.
My favourite. I would totally wear this! Wouldn't you? (P.S: Look at those legssss! Oii, longer than my whole body).

See more photos at

I realize I've been a little lazy on the Blogging side, and considering that we've had spring/march break this week... I've been REALLY lazy. So, I guess you can deem this my comeback blog!
Much lovin


  1. Amazing!! Such a beautiful collection. Your so lucky you have spring, I have to face winter :( boo..

  2. I really like the first picture as well as the large collar and pantlessness of the last ;)

