Follow ze mustahd way.

For people who are interested in Arts & Culture with a short attention span that is longer than most short attention spans.

Mar 7, 2010

Glue is Good: Gluekit

While browsing this morning, I noticed the image behind the article titled "Music's Top 40 Money Makers." (Interesting read, by the way--you should check it out).
I think it's great; very appealing to the eye. And of course, it's pop art style, which I am a total sucker for, so I obviously love it. Notice in the corner it says Illustration by Gluekit. "Who is Gluekit?" I asked myself, then proceeded to type it in everyone's good friend Google.

Oh, here we go:

Turns out Gluekit is two people, Kathleen and Christopher, who make illustrations, graphics, and lettering. They have a long list of clients, including famous names such as Glamour, GQ, Maxim, New York Times, Nylon, Oprah, Rolling Stone, Urban Outfitters--and the list goes on.

Really digging their work, you guys. Here is a select few of their illustrations:


And that's only part of it.
BE SURE TO CHECK OUT MORE ON THEIR WEBSITE HERE! Also, they have a blog. Follow it! I know I am.


  1. Oh! Gorgeous images! I love that style of work.

    Thanks for sharing this :)

    TEE&FAME x

  2. Like it! cool blog! check out mine =)
