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For people who are interested in Arts & Culture with a short attention span that is longer than most short attention spans.

Jul 13, 2010

Music Monday(s)

Since we missed so many music Monday posts, here's a bunch of good songs to quench your music thirst. You can never go wrong with a bit of Gaga and Coldplay... and more!
Most of these songs are of the popular variety, but I couldn't help but add them. You know.. sometimes most of us are just out of the loop.

Bad Romance Cover - 30 Seconds to Mars

Nedda is a huge Gaga fan, and soon she will post pictures from the recent Monster Ball concert tour she attended! Trust me, you wont want to miss these shots, brilliant photos and stories to tell.

Heads will Roll- Yeah Yeah Yeahs.

Fix You- Coldplay.
One of my favourite coldplay songs... ever.

Speaking of Coldplay, Lady Gaga's cover of 'Viva la Vida'. I love the twist of words.. she's brilliant.

Forever Young- Alphaville. The original is SO much better.

Bring it all back- S Club 7. Not going to lie, I used to be obsessed with them. Did anyone else watch their show?

Everybody loves a little old school right?!

1 comment:

  1. You are soon to be my bloglovin love because we have a lot in common obviously! :D I adore the band 30 Seconds to Mars and Heads Will Roll has been one of my favorite songs since last year! It's not a song you can get tired of! I'm going to follow you, could you please follow my blog too?
