Follow ze mustahd way.

For people who are interested in Arts & Culture with a short attention span that is longer than most short attention spans.

Feb 22, 2010

Darlings, I give you..

Who, might you ask, is this scruffy bon bon? Well, to answer your question, its Dave Franco. Younger brother of the notoriously known evil villian in Spiderman played by James Franco. He's in the new issue of Details mag (One of my favourite magazines ever, as they seem to have drool-material photos). So pick it up on Newstands and lovely bookstores across the NA!

Oh, by the way readers, Nedda and I currently reside in Canada, therefore we spell things the Canadian way... with unnecessary "u"s. I thought I'd warn you from now.

For the detail oriented ones here, we've put up a new header, with the ever so clever "Mustart" logo. We spent out Friday night dressing up an obnoxiously yellow mustard bottle because we want this blog to work out. SO...If you read this blog, and happen to like it, then what harm will it do ya to follow or possible advertise us on your own blog? We're likely to do the same (I swear, we don't bite).

Today's Monday, so we're going to do a "Music Monday" thing, kind of like the twitter craze. Except here at Mustart, Justin Bieber doesn't trend.

So the song for today....

EGO- The Saturdays
I'm sure we all know someone with a big.. uh-huh, EGO.

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